Homoeo Medicine

Biofungin Syrup 250 ml (Made in Germany)



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About the Product

Full Description

  • Magnesium borocitricum: It alleviates many symptoms including nervousness, irritability, fatigue, depression, anxiety, insomnia, muscle cramps. menstrual cramps, muscle tremors or twitching.
  • Zincum sulfuricum: It is useful for trembling and cramps in arms and legs. Weakness is marked by nervous headaches.
  • Cobaltum nitricum: It is reported in homoeopathic literature to cause an increase of red corpuscles and useful in anaemia. Anxiety, depressive state with difficulty in concentration, poor memory and trembling of hands are covered.
  • Cuprum aceticum: It is remembered in anaemia, chlorosis , weak memory and decreased brain functions.’
  • Manganum aceticum: It is indicated for general anaemia and is useful when the menses are early, scanty or there are menstrual discharges between the periods.
  • Acidum formicicum: It increases muscular strength and resistance to fatigue. It is useful in chronic muscle pain and soreness. Also indicated for failing vision.
  • Acidum tartaricum: It is mentioned in literature for great weakness, dullness and lassitude. it is also useful in paralytic debility, confusion in head with dizziness, and frequent yawning.
  • Ferrum glycerinophosphoricum: Improving haemoglobin levels. It is indicated for slow cognitive and social development during childhood. It is also useful in decreased immune function, which increases susceptibility to infection.


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