Prescription Medicines

Terbin Spray-30 ml


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About the Product

Full Description

Terbinafine 1% Spray contains the active ingredient terbinafine which is an antifungal used to treat skin problems caused by fungi in Athlete?s foot (tinea pedis)- Athlete?s foot appears only on the feet (usually both, but not always), where it often appears in between the toes. It can also appear on the instep, soles, or other areas of the feet. The most common type of athlete?s foot causes cracking or scaling of the skin, but you may also have mild swelling, blisters, or weeping ulcers. Terbinafine 1% Spray is recommended for athlete?s foot when it occurs between the toes. If you have a fungal nail infection (fungus inside and under the nail) with discoloration of the nails and changes in nail texture (thick or flaky), you should consult your doctor because Terbinafine 1% Spray is not appropriate for this type of infection. Dhobie itch/jock itch (tinea cruris)- Dhobie itch appears in the groin and inner thigh area, usually on both sides but often with one side more than the other, where it can spread further between the legs to the buttocks, or up towards the stomach. Dhobie itch looks like a clearly bordered rash, which may have blisters.


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