Prescription Medicines

Salitic Solution-15 ml


Quantity: 1

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+88 01886-646186

16.7% 16.7%

About the Product

Full Description

Indications: This is a topical solution indicated in the treatment of warts, corns and calluses. Information For Patients .Warts: A wart is a viral infection of the surface layers of the skin. The incubation period varies from a few weeks to several months. Warts can spread by direct contact with a wart to damaged skin. .Corns: A corn is a small, hardened area of skin which often looks yellow compared to the surrounding skin. It is typically round or cone-shaped, pointing down into the skin. Corns most often form on the feet and sometimes on the hands and are caused by constant or repeated friction or pressure. .Calluses: A callus is rough, thickened skin spread over a wide area. Like a corn, it is caused by constant or repeated friction or pressure, but unlike corns, calluses are flat and have normal skin markings.


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