Graphites Pentarkan - Ptk 50



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  • Covers dry, rough and scaly eruptions with itching, burning, and restlessness
  • Covers oedematous eruptions
  • Provides deep antipsoric action
  • Useful in dermatitis which becomes worse on itching or scratching
  • Also covers metabolic disorders ensuring total resolution.

About the Product

Full Description

Graphites Pentarkan Ptk 50 tablets are used to treat eczema. Different stages of treatment respond to this: acute, weeping eczema with pustule formation, subacute stages with dehydration and crusting, as well as chronic eczema with areal inflammation of the skin and coarsening of the skin field. Dry, horny, scaly skin with torn areas are positively influenced. The itching and burning on the affected parts of the body is relieved.


1 Ptk 50 tablet contains: Graphites 3X 25 mg; Sulfur 4X 25 mg; Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni 8X 25 mg; Causticum Hahnemanni 3X 25 mg; Arsenicum album 5X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.


Graphites Pentarkan is traditionally used for the difficulty in breathing and for the treatment of eczema. Any type of inflammation of the skin and eczema as a variety of dermatitis characterized by itching lesions.

The combination with established efficacy in treating dry eczema & certain conditions of wet eczema

  • Covers dry, rough and scaly eruptions with itching, burning, and restlessness
  • Covers oedematous eruptions
  • Provides deep antipsoric action
  • Useful in dermatitis which becomes worse on itching or scratching
  • Also covers metabolic disorders ensuring total resolution.

Dosage/ Uses

Graphites Pentarkan is used as follows: In case of acute symptoms take 1 tablet per hour, at most 12 times daily until improvement is felt. For decaying complaints or in chronic cases use 1 tablet 1-3 times daily.

Note: This product contains lactose and wheat starch and may not be suitable for people with such intolerance.

Side Effects

Side effects: No side effects of Graphites Pentarkan® Ptk. 50 are known.


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